Surgical Technology International XX - Cardiovascular Surgery
Article title:

Update on Endovascular Management of Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in 2010; What Has Come and Gone

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Scott A. Sundick, MD
Fellow, Vascular Surgery
The Mount Sinai Hospital
New York, NY

Sharif Ellozy, MD
Assistant Professor, Surgery, Vascular Surgery
The Mount Sinai Hospital
New York, NY

Angeliki Vouyouka, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
The Mount Sinai Hospital
New York, NY


David O'Connor, MD
Fellow, Vascular Surgery
The Mount Sinai Hospital
New York, NY

Peter Faries, MD
Professor, Surgery
The Mount Sinai Hospital
New York, NY

Michael Marin, MD
Professor and Chair, Surgery, Vascular Surgery
The Mount Sinai Hospital
New York, NY

The past few decades have seen a very rapid change in the manner in which infrarenal aortic disease is diagnosed and dealt with. The approach has changed from open, large incision surgery with long and complicated postoperative courses to minimally invasive techniques in which the patient can go home the next day. A large number of devices have come and gone, and techniques to deal with aortic problems are ever changing. We have reviewed the past, current, and future technology to help make the treatment options more clear.



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